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 quel megadrive choisir ?

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Steel Member
Steel Member

Inscription : 07/06/2014
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Localisation San Fernando del valle

quel megadrive choisir ? Empty
MessageSujet: quel megadrive choisir ?   quel megadrive choisir ? EmptyDim 03 Aoû 2014, 17:41

salut, je pense me prendre une MD Jap en boite dans quelque temps mais laquelle choisir ? je voudrais prendre la toute premiere edition mais je ne vois pas l'inscription "high definition graphics" inscrit dessus.

Quel est le meilleur modèle JAP à prendre donc ? merci pour votre aide
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Old School Member
Old School Member

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quel megadrive choisir ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: quel megadrive choisir ?   quel megadrive choisir ? EmptyDim 03 Aoû 2014, 20:08

Je te conseille la première car la seconde est assez fragile et esthétiquement rien ne vaut la première avec son bouton bleu

Bonne recherche
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Steel Member
Steel Member

Inscription : 07/06/2014
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Localisation San Fernando del valle

quel megadrive choisir ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: quel megadrive choisir ?   quel megadrive choisir ? EmptyDim 03 Aoû 2014, 20:20

oui je compte bien achter une megadrive 1, la 2 n'existe meme pas pour moi lol, mais quel boite de megadrive 1 ? en JAP svp
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Iron Member
Iron Member

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Localisation Herault

quel megadrive choisir ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: quel megadrive choisir ?   quel megadrive choisir ? EmptyDim 03 Aoû 2014, 21:51

la megadrive "first run" japonaise a un (R) accolé au sega en bas à droite
voir ici
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Steel Member
Steel Member

Inscription : 07/06/2014
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Localisation San Fernando del valle

quel megadrive choisir ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: quel megadrive choisir ?   quel megadrive choisir ? EmptyDim 03 Aoû 2014, 22:42

oui c'est celle dont je parle justement, elle n'a pas le fameux "high definition graphics" inscrit en haut du cercle sur la console. Hors on m'a dit qu'il fallait qu'il y ai écrit celà pour bénéficier de la meilleure version de la 16 bits de Sega, d'où mon questionnement.
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Iron Member
Iron Member

Inscription : 02/08/2013
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Localisation Herault

quel megadrive choisir ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: quel megadrive choisir ?   quel megadrive choisir ? EmptyDim 03 Aoû 2014, 23:10

cette mention n'est pas présente sur les megadrives japonaises.


MegaDrive Model 1

AV Intelligent Terminal/High Grade Multipurpose Use model

quel megadrive choisir ?

Like with the High Definition Graphics Genesis Model 1 in North America, the AV Intelligent Terminal/High Grade Multipurpose Use MegaDrive Model 1 in Japan has two different variants, but unlike the High Definition Graphics Genesis Model 1, neither model has TMSS.

There is a very subtle difference between the two models, which is found right next to the A of the Sega logo. If there is a little R symbol next to the A, that is the earliest model of the MegaDrive, the Japan-only model.

If, however, the Sega logo has no R next to the A like on my personal MegaDrive Model 1:

quel megadrive choisir ?

That's the first of the all-Asia NTSC models.

Motherboard revisions:

-With an R next to the Sega logo: VA0, VA1, VA2, VA3, VA4
-Without an R next to the Sega logo: VA5

Video encoder:

-All motherboard revisions: Sony CXA1145

Composite video quality:

-VA5: Like all North American Genesis Model 1s, the picture is bright and colorful, but slightly blurry. There is also a very slight instance of rainbow banding on the VA5 motherboard in the MegaDrive Model 1.

FM Synthesis hardware used:

-All motherboards: Discrete Yamaha YM2612

Sound circuitry/sound quality:

-VA0 to VA2: Use the same Mono and Stereo audio amps as the VA2 Genesis Model 1s in North America, so the sound will be clear with very high bass and is prone to distortion with loud games due to excessive gain on the preamp.
-VA3 to VA5: Use the same Mono and Stereo audio amps as the VA3 to VA6 Genesis Model 1s in North America, so the sound will the same as those - clean, bass-heavy and slightly more muffled than the amp on the VA0 to VA2 boards, but distortion-free.

Non-AV Intelligent Terminal/High Grade Multipurpose Use model

*no picture yet*

This is when TMSS was introduced into the MegaDrive Model 1 in Japan. If you find a Japanese MegaDrive Model 1 without AV Intelligent Terminal/High Grade Multipurpose Use written on the case, it's guaranteed to have TMSS.

Motherboard revisions: VA6, VA6.8, VA7

Video encoder:

-VA6, VA7: Sony CXA1145
-VA6.8: Sony CXA1145 or Fujitsu MB3514

Composite video quality:

Sony CXA1145:

*no information yet*

Fujitsu MB3514:

*no information yet*

FM Synthesis hardware used:

-VA6, VA6.8: Discrete Yamaha YM2612
-VA7: ASIC Yamaha YM3438

Sound circuitry/sound quality:

-VA6, VA6.8: Use the same Mono and Stereo audio amps as the VA3 to VA5 AV Intelligent Terminal/High Grade Multipurpose Use boards, so the sound will be clear and with very high bass, though slightly more muffled than the VA0 to VA2 boards.
-VA7: Just like the VA7 motherboard revision in the North American Genesis Model 1 - hissy, muffled, distorted and generally very poor sound quality.

il faut prendre à priori une megadrive avec ce (R) accolé au sega, avec une carte mere VA3 OU VA4 pour avoir un son plus agréable.
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