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 from where is it?

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Steel Member
Steel Member

Inscription : 23/02/2014
Messages postés : 130

from where is it? Empty
MessageSujet: from where is it?   from where is it? EmptyMar 09 Déc 2014, 21:01

i have some questions about this item, i got this small display time ago, the question is i never seen a Sega Kiosk with this one, and fits perfectly in the space for master system or the gear plaque like i have in mine kiosk, come with wires to easy connection as you see.
please send some light here Smile

from where is it? 20141209_204119_zpsnpd7m5qj

from where is it? 20141209_204126_zpstyfxnkid

from where is it? 20141209_204134_zpsmhgoyew8

from where is it? 20141209_204142_zpsjxj3tdu4

from where is it? 20141209_204728_zpsfa9wqvyh
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from where is it?
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